The main objective for developing this module is provide all the functionality realted to citizen. Modules and Description of Citizen Card Sysetm Project: Citizen Module : I have attached the Screens and demo of the project below the description. Here students can java free projects for final year students with source code and database. We can develop java software projects for students who want to java projects for learning. This system can be traced using Id of that particular citizen. This system not only help us to know the information about the services but also provide the information about the character of the citizen rating. This system ca help in having all the utilities and services under an Id. These information can be find by the Id of the citizen.
In this system citizen has an Id to search the personal information like name, id, address etc of citizen in each and every department wherever a citizen goes. This project is online java project This system is to provide us the information about the citizen in any country. This project Citizen Card System has been developed on Java, JSP and MySQL.
Java, JSP and MySQL Project on Citizen Card System